29 April / 3 May - EUNETIPS supports the Royal College of Nurses gloves awareness week
Raise awareness of when gloves should and shouldn't be worn and how to protect the skin on your hands. To discover more and to download available resources,...[more]
XXXe Congrès National de la Société Française d’Hygiène Hospitalière
Strasbourg June 05th-07th 2019 Information can be found here ... (external link)[more]
EUNETIPS supports the 2019 WHO Global Survey on Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and Hand Hygiene
This WHO global survey is open to any acute health care facility globally and participation is voluntary. The survey will be open until 16 May 2019. The survey has two levels, involving the completion of two tools at...[more]
A serious game to learn standard precautions
Recently in charge of a new French HAI control national missions, the CPIAS Nouvelle Aquitaine is in charge of developing tools for prevention promotion. The first one, financed mainly by the regional Health Agency, is a serious...[more]
Eunetips partner of the SF2H 2019 international session
As now an established tradition, the SF2H organizes its yearly international session in partnership with EUNETIPS. In 2019 the SF2H congress will be held in June in Strasbourg and it’ll be the...[more]
these are the surveys that were conducted during 2018. Attached to this news you can also find some of the presentations developed with the collected data, that were presented in different congresses: Survey on...[more]